Home and Away Spoilers – Colby betrayed as Witness X is revealed

Coming up next week on Home and Away in the UK, Colby’s fate is sealed as ‘Witness X’ provides Angelo with the damning evidence he needs—but who is it?

After months of acting as though he was untouchable, Colby Thorne (Tim Franklin) was brought crashing down to earth last week, when Detective Angelo Rosetta (Luke Jacobz) arrested him for the murder of Ross Nixon (Justin Rosniak).

Finally cornering an unarmed Ross in a deserted quarry, Colby chose to shoot him dead rather than take him into custody.

Colby and Dean buried Ross’s body in remote bushland, but the ordeal was far from over as the repercussions from that day had far-reaching effects, particularly when Colby was forced to admit the truth about Ross to Bella.

Colby buried Ross’s body back at the start of 2019, and has kept the secret hidden… until now

Fast forward to September 2020, and Colby received the grave news that Ross’s body had been found, with Angelo returning to Summer Bay to head up the investigation. Although long suspecting Colby of committing the deed, he has not been able to find any evidence to prove it—until now it seems!

Over the past few months, Colby’s loved ones have been in despair as he’s played a dangerous game in an attempt to gain access to the investigation, even going to the extent of having an affair with Angelo’s wife Taylor (Annabelle Stephenson).

Despite Angelo’s best efforts, Colby is granted bail this week, albeit at a very high price. Colby’s friend Jasmine (Sam Frost), who is eyeing Colby up as a potential sperm donor for an IVF baby, was happy to put up the funds using the gym as collateral.

After returning to the apartment, a frantic Colby explains to Bella, Willow and Dean that everything depends on this new mystery witness that’s come forward. With the trial set to occur within the week, it means the police are extremely confident with the evidence that has been has provided by them.


Colby becomes obsessed with discovering the identity of Witness X, but unfortunately for him there’s no shortage of people who know his dark secret and whose lives have been affected by it!

Best mate Dean suffered hugely in the aftermath of the killing, getting hooked on prescription drugs that he was taking to help him sleep. In more recent times, the stress of the investigation forced Dean to come clean to girlfriend Ziggy (Sophie Dillman), who promptly dumped him.

Bella has also faced a huge amount of trauma over the past 18 months, and confessed all to boyfriend Nikau (Kawakawa Fox-Reo). As she and Willow both witnessed Colby continuing to self-destruct in recent weeks, Bella finally realised her brother was beyond help and announced that she was leaving the bay to move to New Zealand with Nik. Colby threatened to stop Nik leaving the country again, only for Nik to throw the knowledge of Ross’s murder back in his face with a warning to back off.

Colby is quick to accuse Nik of being the witness, but Bella insists that he wouldn’t have told anyone.

Meanwhile, Ziggy has made no secret of the fact that she despises Colby for the pain he’s caused, and this week as she listens to Mackenzie (Emily Weir) complaining about boyfriend Ari’s involvement in criminal activity, Ziggy finally blurts out the truth about what split her and Dean up.


Needless to say Mackenzie is thrown by this revelation, and promptly heads round to the apartment to give her brother a serve. All the incidents over the past few months now make sense, and she doesn’t know how they could live with themselves. Dean warns her that she knows too much and needs to keep her distance for the time being.

Realising why Mackenzie showed up at the apartment fuming, Colby angrily confronts Ziggy on the beach, now convinced that she was the one that ratted him out to the police.


Later in the week, Colby’s lawyer finally gets hold of the witness list. As Dean and Willow watch with bated breath, Bella points out Taylor’s name on the list, but Colby knows that he didn’t tell her anything.

However they then come across another witness whose name has been redacted. It’s clear that the prosecution do not want Colby to know who’s spoken up against him, and with his trial only days away, he has no way of finding out.

As Bella tries to formulate a backup plan to gather character references from around the bay, Colby finally concedes defeat. He’s been fighting against everything for too long and look where he’s ended up. A newly calm Colby tells Bella that they need to make the most of the time they have left.

The gang order in some pizzas for what could be their final evening together, and for a while it’s like everything’s back to normal again—everyone’s having a great time and even Colby is able to join in the laughs as he quietly holds back his fear.

That evening, Willow joins Colby out on the balcony and they have a heart to heart. Willow sees that Colby is back to his old self as he admits that his actions over the past months have only made things worse for himself—when it comes down to it, nothing changes the fact that he killed Ross.


Willow can’t believe it’s taken him this long to finally wake up to himself, and he tells her that it’s because he’s fallen in love, with Taylor. Colby tells her he’s now ready to face whatever tomorrow brings.

Little does Colby realise that his fate has already been sealed, as later that night, Angelo waits to meet with Witness X.

A familiar face emerges from the darkness…. it’s Willow!vvvvv

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