Home and Away Spoilers – Felicity and Cash clash over their father’s death

Coming up next week on Home and Away in the UK, Felicity struggles as the anniversary of her father’s death approaches, whilst Alf finally convinces Marilyn to seek help…

It’s been a traumatic few weeks for Felicity Newman (Jacqui Purvis), after she was framed for the stalking and attempted murder of Tane Parata (Ethan Browne) by her best friend Anne Sherman (Megan Smart).

Both Tane and Flick were kidnapped by Anne as she attempted to enact a final act of revenge, but the two were saved in the nick of time by their respective brothers, Ari (Rob Kipa-Williams) and Cash (Nicholas Cartwright).

Whilst relations had been very tense between Tane and Flick for some months during the stalking campaign—which culminated in Flick being forced to take out an AVO on Tane—the horrific chemical attack at Salt was enough for Tane to realise that Flick couldn’t be the one behind it.

It was his concern for a missing Flick, who was wrongly assumed by many to have fled the bay as the police took a warrant out for her arrest, that saw Tane follow Anne to a remote cottage in the bush, only to be taken captive alongside her.

With Felicity’s relationship with her brother taking a hit following the ordeal, given that Cash had believed for some time that she was guilty, it’s Tane that Flick has turned to for support. Although they quickly slipped back into their friends-with-benefits status, romance has now started to blossom between the pair.

Cash initially didn’t approve of Tane and Flick’s restored friendship, but eventually realised that it was good for Flick to have someone she can talk to about the experience. With her past history, he knows all too well how bottling things up can cause serious issues for her.

Although Flick’s frostiness towards Cash has now started to thaw, this week she goes back to avoiding him at all costs, but for a very different reason. Cash tells Jasmine that it’s because the anniversary of their father’s death is approaching.

Cash explains to Jasmine that each year he returns to their old hometown to visit Anthony’s grave, meeting up with his foster family and other friends to commemorate his life. Flick has always refused to go, and hasn’t been to the grave since the funeral.

Noticing that Flick is ignoring her brother’s calls and seems constantly on edge, it’s Tane that eventually talks her into meeting with Cash.

Cash tries to convince his sister that visiting the grave could help her put the past to rest, but she flat out refuses—as far as she’s concerned, she knows the truth about what really happened and doesn’t need to face up to anything.


Knowing that Flick struggles at this time of year and usually takes off, Cash asks Jasmine (Sam Frost) if she will look out for her whilst he’s away.

Jasmine later talks to Flick and explains her own past fears about visiting Robbo’s grave, and how doing so led to a huge amount of relief.

After Jasmine tells Flick that Cash could really do with her support, so he can himself move forward, she eventually backs down and puts forward a proposal to Cash.

She’s willing to go with him, but on one condition—that he start an investigation into their father’s death.

Cash knows that it’s a pointless exercise, but will he give in to his sister’s demand for justice?

Elsewhere in Summer Bay, the return of Alf (Ray Meagher) finally makes Marilyn (Emily Symons) realise that she needs to seek help for her mental state.

Marilyn’s friends have been shocked by the recent change in her personality, which occurred when she woke from an induced coma that Logan (Harley Bonner) was forced to put her into as paralysis took hold of her body.

Feeling that her loved ones have been turning against her and siding with Logan–who she has made an official complaint against–Marilyn left an emotional voicemail for Alf telling him how scared she was.

This week, Alf returns to Summer Bay and is quick to ask Marilyn about the voicemail. However, she dismisses it as a momentary low point before insisting that she’s feeling fine now.

The next day in the diner, Alf is shocked to learn that Marilyn no longer works there, and he’s quick to reprimand Irene (Lynne McGranger) for ‘letting her go’—before she points out that she didn’t have much say in the matter.

Alf thinks Irene is overreacting about Marilyn, until he then witnesses her comments towards Logan firsthand.


After hearing the full story from Irene, Alf tries to get through to Marilyn, but she feels that he’s now turning against her too. His attempt to bring Logan to the house to talk her into seeing a mental health professional is initially met with a further rebuff, before Alf finally convinces her to hear him out.

Logan explains that he’s arranged for Marilyn to see the head of psychiatry at the university, who has said that the psychological effects of organophosphate poisoning are so subtle that the person suffering may not even realise—to the point where they’re convinced that their loved ones are lying to them by saying there’s something wrong.

Marilyn thinks it over, but her mind is made up when Roo (Georgie Parker) returns the following day, and Marilyn overhears her and Alf talk about Martha needing a kidney transplant.

Marilyn had no idea things had gotten so bad, and Alf explains that he didn’t want to worry her when she had her own issues to deal with.

She concedes that, if Alf is willing to sacrifice time with Martha to come home and help her, then maybe her friends are right after all, and there is something wrong….

As she heads away for treatment, are we about to see a return of the Marilyn everyone knows and loves?

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