Home and Away Spoilers – Colby sentenced to prison as Willow testifies

Coming up next week on Home and Away in the UK, it’s the end of the road for Colby. 

It’s been nearly two years since the fateful day that Colby Thorne (Tim Franklin) shot dead his stepfather Ross Nixon (Justin Rosniak), with a dark cloud hanging over Colby and his loved ones for all that time.

With Angelo Rosetta (Luke Jacobz) heading the investigation after Ross’s body was discovered back in September, Colby had been confident that there was nothing Angelo could pin on him other than his own suspicions.

That was until the appearance of the mysterious Witness X, which apparently gave Angelo enough evidence to arrest Colby and for a trial to be scheduled within the space of two weeks.

Last week ended with the shock revelation that Angelo’s witness was none other than Willow Harris (Sarah Roberts), one of Colby’s oldest friends. Having seen how Colby’s obsession with staying one step ahead of Angelo was destroying both himself and all those around him, Willow felt she had no choice but to step up and finally put an end to their misery.

It wasn’t until the eve of the trial, when Colby received a copy of the witness list with the name redacted, that he finally realised he was out of options and conceded defeat.

Colby, Bella (Courtney Miller), Dean (Patrick Thompson) and Willow spent what could be their final evening at the apartment together, and it seemed Colby was back to his old self after months of causing everyone to suffer.

Speaking to Willow out on the balcony, who could see that Colby had turned a corner, Colby admitted that his actions over the past few months had only made things worse, and would never change the fact that he’d killed Ross.

Little did Colby know however, that his heart to heart with Willow would finally seal his fate. After the group went their separate ways, Willow met Angelo under the cover of darkness where it was revealed she had been wearing a recording device under her top.

Tim and I were both really excited about this storyline when we read it in the script.” Sarah explained to TV Week. “The way I chose to play it was how Willow does anything for family and had no choice. It was easier to justify why she did it. It was fun to play out.

Arriving at the courthouse, Willow knows that as a witness she won’t be allowed to join the others in the courtroom, so she quickly comes up with the plan to stay outside with Bella whilst the crime scene photos are presented.

As Angelo gives evidence, Colby and Dean are confused when Taylor (Annabelle Stephenson) enters the public gallery. Colby’s lawyer Katherine (Neveen Hanna) surmises that she must have been dropped as a witness, which Dean sees as a good sign—but Colby isn’t so sure.

When Willow excuses herself to make a phone call to Irene (Lynne McGranger), Bella enters the gallery just as the prosecution announce that they have some new evidence to present, a recording. This throws Colby and Katherine, who objects, but the judge allows the evidence to be heard with the understanding that it is crucial to the case.

Colby’s face drops as he hears his own voice on the recording, talking about regretting his actions over the past few months, before uttering the sentence that brings everything crashing down in one fell swoop—”I killed Ross.


The court descends into chaos as Dean leaps up and shouts at Colby’s lawyer to do something, but it’s too late. The judge demands order and swiftly advises the prosecution to call their next witness.

Colby, Dean and Bella are stunned when Willow’s name is called.

As Willow testifies, she runs through an alternate version of events, explaining that Colby had confessed his guilt to her whilst keeping Dean and Bella in the dark.

Willow has known for a long time there’s no way out of this, so she twists the story so that Dean and Bella remain safe,” Sarah continued. “She turns Colby in to save them. She knew this would tear the family apart, so she made a sacrifice.


Another outburst from Dean, as he angrily calls Willow a two-faced rat, sees him removed from the courtroom.

When the court reconvenes later on, Colby knows what he has to do. Against Katherine’s advice, he’s going to take to the stand himself.

He shocked by Willow’s actions, but he also realises why.” Tim told TV Week. “It’s quite sad.

Bella and Dean can only watch on in shock as Colby follows Willow’s lead and confesses that everything she said was true. The judge asks Colby to confirm that he wishes to enter a new plea, and he does so— guilty. Bella, Dean and Taylor are all devastated.

The judge proceeds to sentence Colby to 25 years imprisonment, with a non-parole period of 20 years. Colby’s led away as a triumphant Angelo looks on.


Back in Summer Bay, Willow pleads with Dean and Bella to let her explain, that she did it to protect them. Colby was spiralling and she didn’t want him to bring everyone down with him. But it’s no use as Bella tells her she’ll never forgive her, and Dean angrily tells her what hell lies in prison for a cop like Colby.

Having lost her oldest friends, Willow makes a big decision. When Jasmine (Sam Frost) asks Willow if there’s anything she can do, Willow replies that she can help her pack.

That evening, Willow says a tearful goodbye to Jasmine, Irene and John (Shane Withington) outside the surf club before driving out of town.


Will Willow ever feel able to show her face in Summer Bay again?

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