Home and Away Spoilers – Mali to get caught up in River Boy

Mali (Kyle Shilling) opened up a can of worms a few weeks ago as he looked to get revenge on the Allens, who had taken his brother Iluka (Dion Williams) and beaten him up.

Iluka had stolen $8,000 from the gang of petty criminals from his home town of Mantaray Point, and hot-footed it to Summer Bay to go into hiding.

When Mali learnt what his brother had done, he messaged Nat Allen (Claire Lovering), the leader of the gang, to let her know they were ready to hand back the money.

Yet the Allens wanted more than just their money back, and they headed to the bay to take Iluka away, before leaving him battered and bruised on a nearby country road.

Mali couldn’t let it go, and decided to get revenge on the Allens’ revenge. He called on his old mate Dean (Patrick O’Connor) for help, and Dean put him in touch with his River Boy contacts.

Rory (Joshua Orpin), the River Boys’ latest leader, and Dingo (JK Kazzi) turned up for help, and the trio faced off against Nat and her two brothers in a remote location.

In the end, Rory and Dingo didn’t even have to do anything, as Mali’s scuffle with one of the brothers was broken up by Rose (Kirsty Marillier) and the cops before things got too out of hand.

The storm in a teacup led to Rory sticking around in Summer Bay, where Felicity (Jacqui Purvis) soon caught his attention.

His rather old-fashioned flirting method of catcalling initially put Flick off, but she soon came around to his River Boy charm and they’ve been practically inseperable ever since.

By some freak coincidence, Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) has just decided to return to the police force. Yet with no vacancies at Yabbie Creek or Reefton Lakes, he’s been assigned to Mangrove River, home of the worst police station in the region, and, of course, the River Boys.

Cash soon discovered that Felicity’s new boyfriend Rory was the head of the gang, but despite his warnings to stay away from him, Flick has been determined to continue with her exciting new fling.

Flick initially confronted Rory, but he allayed her fears when he assured her that he’d gone years without an arrest. He won her over by explaining that, with him being estranged from his parents, the boys were the only reason he was still around.

Flick soon decided that Rory’s questionable life didn’t bother her, and decided to continue with their budding relationship.

Thursday’s triple bill ended with Cash returning to his new station, where he found a hoard of the boys waiting for him. They ominously surrounded his car as he pulled up, leaving viewers wondering what they’d do next.

Now, a new promo has given us a glimpse of what’s in store.

In next week’s episodes, John (Shane Withington) makes his own feelings known, as he asks Flick: “You sure you wanna get involved with this character?”

“I know all about the River Boys,” she assures him, reaffirming that Rory’s gang connections don’t phase her.

Next week, Flick visits Mangrove River for the first time, as Cash finds his sister hanging out with Rory and the boys in the dodgy town.

“You being here is a mistake,” Cash tells her.

“Well are you arresting me?” she replies.

“We think they’re involved in a murder,” Cash responds, but it seems unlikely that even that will change Flick’s mind.

“You’ve been watching us, now we’re watching you,” Dingo tells Cash as the boys surround him as he steps out of his car outside Mangrove River police station.

“They’re getting drawn in, one by one,” says the promo’s voiceover.

This week’s episodes saw Rory call on Mali to make him a custom surfboard, emblazoned with the River Boys’ infamous ‘Blood and Sand’ slogan, which the members have emblazoned across their chests.

When Alf (Ray Meagher) saw this, he warned Mali to stay away from the boys, and Mali confirmed that he’d be doing just that as soon as the board was completed.

Yet the new promo for next week’s episodes confirms that Mali will remain in the gang’s orbit for some time to come, as they call in a favour.

We see Dingo drop around to the farmhouse where Mali is living with landlord Mackenzie (Emily Weir), and housemates Tane (Ethan Browne) and new arrival Perri (Cantona Stewart).

He hands him a sports bag, ominously padlocked shut, as he tells him, “I need you to look after this.”

“What is it?” Mali asks, but Dingo replies with a “You don’t need to know, mate.”

With Cash currently investigating whether the River Boys were responsible for the death of his predecessor at Mangrove River police, we can only imagine what’s inside.

At Salt, Tane tries to get the low down from Mali, but he tells his housemate, “you don’t want to get involved.”

When Tane comes home, he asks Mali the same question about the contents, as the pair stare at the dodgy rucksack.

The promo tells us that “it will end, one way or another,” as we get a glimpse of Cash and his colleagues storming the gang’s headquarters.

We hear Cash say, “he’s got no place in Felicity’s life,” before the promo shows numerous police cars descending on the boys’ hideout.

“Let’s get this done,” Cash announces.

“Police, stay where you are,” Cash shouts, as he holds up a warrant and he and the cops run towards the warehouse.

Yet he’s shocked when he looks over and sees Mali with his hands up, standing next to Dingo.

Confusingly, Rose is also part of the sting operation, despite not working for Mangrove River police.

As the cops begin rounding up the boys and Mali is led out by Constable Jo Devlin (Ariadne Sgouros), Rose is shocked to discover her ex-boyfriend in the fray.

“What are you doing here?” she asks.

What has Mali found himself caught up in?

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